WTware terminal configuration file. Terminal features, parameters and their descriptions.

List of parameters:

Server and session parameters

  • Parameter server
    server parameter determines terminal server that terminal connects to. Server address, used protocol and server port can be specified. Specify terminal server IP address or DNS-name if DNS server works in the network:

    Possible protocol values are: rdp:; rdweb: for loading connections from RDWEB; password: for changing password via RDWEB; vnc: for connection to VNC server (terminal color depth should be equal to server color depth). Default protocol is rdp. Examples:

    By default first connection to RDP server is performed without NLA so that you could enter login and password in Windows interface. Terminal will automatically relogin with NLA, if server is configured not to accept cpnnections without NLA. You may tell terminal to connect with NLA at start (login and password in this case will always be entered in WTware interface):

    List of servers can be specified. Then terminal will try to connect to each server from the list. If failes terminal connects to the next one. And only when it failes to connect to all listed servers, terminal returns an error. It's the easiest way to increase fault tolerance. Protocol is specified only once. Examples:

    User can enter server address manually. Specify:

    Next line means: connect to server, and if won't respond (out of order) - ask user to enter address:

  • Application

  • Parameter application
    By default RDP or VNC terminal server client runs. To run Chromium on terminal without connection to terminal server specify in configuration file:
    application = chrome
    Chromium requires 1024MB RAM. Video driver should be from (U) package. Here's the manual about local Chromium.
    Also on terminal may be started local VLC mediaplayer:
    application = vlc
    Here's the manual about local VLC.
    Keyword for creating special menu item to turn off terminal:
    application = shutdown
    Keyword for creating special menu item to reboot terminal:
    application = reboot
    Example of menu with two items, one to connect to RDP server, second to turn off terminal:
    displayName=RDP Connection
    displayName=Turn off the computer

  • Parameter displayName
    Name to display in terminal menu.

  • Parameter autostart_delay
    autostart_delay = 60

    Automatically starts connection in 60 seconds (value specified in autostart_delay= option), if user won't press any keys and won't move mouse.

  • Session parameters

  • Parameter user
    By default terminal user should specify login, password and domain (if terminal server is included into domain) in "Windows login" window when terminal connects to terminal server. Set these values in configuration file to simplify user life. There are two possible ways to specify these values:

    1. Definite values. The values you won't set user will have to specify in login window. Parameters user and domain are used:
      user = vasyapupkin
      domain = MYDOMAIN
      Also you can specify password:
      user = petja:password
    2. Selection from menu.User can select login parameters from menu. Possible values for login parameters:
      display_name - is the to display in menu. When display_name is not specified user name is displayed in menu. These blocks are separated by semicolons. For example, this line creates menu with 5 items (users vasja and peter from DOMAIN2, basil's password is 'joke', john's password is '1'):
      user = DOMAIN2asil[Basil Washington]:joke;DOMAIN2\peter;john:1;july;Guest;--new--
      Keyword --new-- tells terminal to leave username empty. You can create as many items as can be placed on the screen. Terminal automatically shows them in columns.
    If server doesn't accept password - check off checkbox "Always prompt for password" in Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Terminal Services Configuration - RDP-Tcp - Logon Settings.
    You may tell terminal to allow connection only to the users, listed in parameter user=. If terminal manually enters another login and correct password, terminal stops session. To turn on this mode specify --only-listed--:
    user = vasya; peter; john; --only-listed--

  • Parameter domain
    If specified domain will be set in login window when terminal connects to terminal server.

  • Parameter shell
    Usually terminal server starts explorer as soon as user connects to terminal server. So user sees common Windows desktop. If you need to run any other program instead of desktop, use shell parameter. Of course shell parameter won't prevent advanced user from entering Ctrl-Shift-Esc, running "Windows Task manager" and starting any other program. Use Windows group policy or special software for such restrictions. Examples of shell usage, starts command prompt console:
    shell = c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
    Run Microsoft Word and open document (it should be one line in configuration file).
    shell = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\winword.exe "c:\temp\document 1.doc"

    By default Windows Server restricts running arbitrary programs. To make shell work you should add this program into RemoteApp Manager (remoteprograms.msc) list.

    Another way: in policied you may allow to run arbitrary program. Run gpedit.msc, Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Remote Desktop Services, Remote Desktop Session Host, Connections, Allow remote start of unlisted programs.

    To make sure that server is configured to sun needed program, create on Windows computer test.rdp file containing one line:

    alternate shell:s:c:\windows\system32\calc.exe

    Start this file in Windows. mstsc.exe will start and try to execute specified program. If instead of calculator you'll receive error, configure Windows Server as mentioned above.

    To run published application (RemoteApp) specify:
    shell = ||RMySuperRemoteApp

  • Parameter directory
    When using shell parameter you may need to set current working directory. Then use directory parameter. For example, if shell parameter starts command prompt console, then this line opens command prompt and sets current directory to c:\windows\temp instead of user home directory:
    directory = c:\windows\temp

  • Parameter keyboard

    keyboard parameter determines default keyboard language in "Windows login" window and keyboard layout in RDP session. This parameter works only inside RDP session in Windows interface. Keyboard for login and password dialogs in WTware interface and for local Chromium is determined by language parameter. Keyboard for VNC client is determined by vncclient_keyboard parameter.

    Default value is english layout ("en-us"), also you can set german:

    keyboard = de

    Or any other from listed below:

    af (Afrikaans), sq (Albanian), ar (Arabic), ar-sa (Arabic (Saudi Arabia)), ar-iq (Arabic (Iraq)), ar-eg (Arabic (Egypt)), ar-ly (Arabic (Libya)), ar-dz (Arabic (Algeria)), ar-ma (Arabic (Morocco)), ar-tn (Arabic (Tunisia)), ar-om (Arabic (Oman)), ar-ye (Arabic (Yemen)), ar-sy (Arabic (Syria)), ar-jo (Arabic (Jordan)), ar-lb (Arabic (Lebanon)), ar-kw (Arabic (Kuwait)), ar-ae (Arabic (U.A.E.)), ar-bh (Arabic (Bahrain)), ar-qa (Arabic (Qatar)), eu (Basque), bg (Bulgarian), be (Belarusian), ca (Catalan), zh (Chinese), zh-tw (Chinese (Taiwan)), zh-cn (Chinese (China)), zh-hk (Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)), zh-sg (Chinese (Singapore)), hr (Croatian), cs (Czech), da (Danish), nl (Dutch (Netherlands)), nl-be (Dutch (Belgium)), en (English), en-us (English (United States)), en-gb (English (United Kingdom)), en-au (English (Australia)), en-ca (English (Canada)), en-nz (English (New Zealand)), en-ie (English (Ireland)), en-za (English (South Africa)), en-jm (English (Jamaica)), en-bz (English (Belize)), en-tt (English (Trinidad)), et (Estonian), fo (Faeroese), fa (Farsi), fi (Finnish), fr (French (France)), fr-be (French (Belgium)), fr-ca (French (Canada)), fr-ch (French (Switzerland)), fr-lu (French (Luxembourg)), gd (Gaelic), de (German (Germany)), de-ch (German (Switzerland)), de-at (German (Austria)), de-lu (German (Luxembourg)), de-li (German (Liechtenstein)), el (Greek), he (Hebrew), hi (Hindi), hu (Hungarian), is (Icelandic), in (Indonesian), it Italian ((Italy)), it-ch (Italian (Switzerland)), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), lv (Latvian), lv-qwerty (Latvian QWERTY), lt (Lithuanian), mk (FYRO Macedonian), ms (Malay (Malaysia)), mt (Maltese), no (Norwegian (Bokmal)), no (Norwegian (Nynorsk)), pl (Polish), pt-br (Portuguese (Brazil)), pt (Portuguese (Portugal)), rm (Rhaeto-Romanic), ro (Romanian), ro-mo (Romanian (Moldova)), ru (Russian), ru-mo (Russian (Moldova)), sr-cyrillic (Serbian (Cyrillic)), sr-latin (Serbian (Latin)), sk (Slovak), sl (Slovenian), sb (Sorbian), es (Spanish (Traditional Sort)), es-mx (Spanish (Mexico)), es (Spanish (International Sort)), es-gt (Spanish (Guatemala)), es-cr (Spanish (Costa Rica)), es-pa (Spanish (Panama)), es-do (Spanish (Dominican Republic)), es-ve (Spanish (Venezuela)), es-co (Spanish (Colombia)), es-pe (Spanish (Peru)), es-ar (Spanish (Argentina)), es-ec (Spanish (Ecuador)), es-cl (Spanish (Chile)), es-uy (Spanish (Uruguay)), es-py (Spanish (Paraguay)), es-bo (Spanish (Bolivia)), es-sv (Spanish (El Salvador)), es-hn (Spanish (Honduras)), es-ni (Spanish (Nicaragua)), es-pr (Spanish (Puerto Rico)), sx (Sutu), sv (Swedish), sv-fi (Swedish (Finland)), th (Thai), ts (Tsonga), tn (Tswana), tr (Turkish), tr-f (Turkish F), uk (Ukrainian), ur (Urdu), vi (Vietnamese), xh (Xhosa), ji (Yiddish), zu (Zulu)

    Also US International layboard layout may be specified, it grave in a different way:

    keyboard = en-us-int
    keyboard = pt-br-int

    To turn on Japan IME layout set in configuration file:

    keyboard = ja-ime
    Also if you need to use keyboard, not listed in the layouts list, you may specify keyboard layout code:
    keyboard = 0xb0060409
    All keyboard layouts codes, installed on your server, are listed in the registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Keyboard Layouts

  • Parameter numlock
    By default NumLock indicator is on when terminal connects to terminal server. To turn off NumLock set in configuration file:
    numlock = off

  • Parameter graphic
    By default additional graphic options turned off to increase operating speed and lower network load. To turn them on use graphic parameter. Parameter value is a line containing one or more of these symbols: a - Desktop background
    b - Show window contents while dragging
    c - Menu and window animation, scroll documents in MS Office
    d - Themes
    e - Display cursor shadow
    f - Font smoothing
    g - Desktop composition
    Set parameter value as a sequence of symbols corresponding to the options you want to turn on. For example, to turn on all options specify:
    graphic = abcdefg
    To show only desktop wallpaper:
    graphic = a
    Windows 2003 Server shows desktop wallpaper only if you set to "Disabled": Start > Run > gpedit.msc > Computer configuration > Administrative templates > Windows components> Terminal services > Enforce removal of remote desktop wallpaper.
    В Windows 2016 появились новые кодеки графики и поддержка сжатия h264. How to turn on h264 on server. Codecs are good, but complicated. To turn off new graphics (and to paint as 2012 server) specify:
    graphic = disable-gfx
    To use new graphics codec, but to turn off h264 in full-screen video mode and in video window:
    graphic = disable-h264-fullscreen
    graphic = disable-h264-window
    To disable h264 hardware decoder:
    graphic = disable-h264-hardware
    Separate Different values by commas:
    graphic = a, disable-h264-fullscreen, disable-h264-window

  • Parameter rd_gateway

    Remote Desktop Gateway. Will be done in the next version.

  • Parameter vmconnect

    You may connect to Hyper-V, RDP virtual machine console by VMBus. 2179 port is used. In Hyper-V server options should be enabled Enhanced Session Mode.

    Virtual machine VM ID you may see from command line on Hyper-V server, run this command:

    Get-VM | select Name,Id

    Copy VM ID into WTware configuration file:

    vmconnect = c4355813-ac42-4f09-bb6e-eadf9c792cbe

    Without domain connection to Hyper-V console won't work. User, that connects to Hyper-V consile, must be in Hyper-V Administrators group.

    Terminal resolution must be exactly the same as virtual machine resolution. WTware without license is not able to connect to Hyper-V console because of banner, that reduces screen width. You may contact WTware licensing service and ask for license to test connection to Hyper-V console.

    You may test connection to Hyper-V console using mstsc.exe. Create text file with these three lines:

    full address:s:
    server port:i:2179

    Specify correct server IP and VM ID. Save with extension .rdp and run. mstsc.exe should run. If mstsc.exe won't connect you should configure Hyper-V server correctly.

  • Parameter loadbalanceinfo
    To connect to load-balanced RD Session Host server farm or to VDI pool via Remote Desktop Connection Broker use loadbalanceinfo= parameter. In Windows .rdp file, that is used for connecting, is specified:
    loadbalanceinfo:s:tsv://MS Terminal Services Plugin.1.NameSC
    Instead of NameSC is the name of your Session Collection. In WTware configuration file you should specify:
    loadbalanceinfo = tsv://MS Terminal Services Plugin.1.NameSC

  • Parameter rdpcompression
    rdpcompression parameter enables RDP packets compression:
    rdpcompression = on
    Use this option only for lower-bit-rate channels. Compression decreases terminal performance in local networks. Disabled by default.

  • Parameter scale_factor
    scale_factor = 125

    The scale factor (as a percentage) applied to Windows Desktop Applications. Possible values: 100 (default), 125, 150.

  • VNC session parameters

  • Parameter vncclient_keyboard

    In order to set VNC client keyboard layout specify vncclient_keyboard. RDP client keyboard layout is set by keyboard option. Keyboard layout for WTware login dialogue and for local Chromium is set by language option.

    By default WTware sends keys scan-codes. It works for VNC server, embedded into VMware Player and VMware Workstation. For VNC servers, that you install on Windows (UltraVNC, TightVNC), symbols, not scan-codes, should be sent. Num Lock should work with this setting:

    vncclient_keyboard = en

  • Google Chrome parameters

  • Parameter chrome_url
    When Chrome starts show specified URL. Read wtware docs:
    chrome_url=http://wtware.com/doc.html http://wtware.com/logs.html

  • Parameter chrome_mode
    Windows frames are used to show sites that create new windows:
    chrome_mode = window
    Kiosk mode without address line is used for users that don't view other sites:
    chrome_mode = kiosk
    Without mouse pointer:
    chrome_mode = kiosk-nopointer

  • Parameter chrome_language
    Language of embedded Google Chrome interface. Messages and menu items in Chrome will be written in this language:
    chrome_language = nl
    If user needs to enter text in some language other than english, specify parameter language=

  • Parameter chrome_profile
    All Chromium settings are stored in profile. By default profile with uBlock is loaded, which adds several megabytes during terminal boot. You can use empty profile:
    If you need to add plug-in, save user password or specify another Chromium setting, not added to WTware config, you are to create your own profile and use it instead of deafult profile.
    If terminal boots from local disk, SD card or USB flash, Chromium profile may be stored on local disk. Open terminal web-interface, press "Save custom Chromium profile on disk" and follow the instructions. Here's video-tutorial.
    If terminal downloads configuration from TFTP or HTTP server, Chromium profile may be loaded from the same server. In terminal web-interface press "Download custom Chromium profile" and follow the instructions.

  • Parameter chrome_pac
    Proxy auto-config:

  • Parameter chrome_proxy
    Proxy server address:

  • Parameter chrome_share
    You may use shared folder from Windows-server to store files, downloaded from Internet, or attach files from nework share to e-mails. You should specify server IP-address, server names are not supported now. To connect Windows directory, shared for full access without password, specify:
    With username and password:
    chrome_share=\\\sharename, user vasja, password 123
    To connect folder read-only, so that user could not store file from Internet:
    chrome_share=\\\sharename, ro
    Complicated magic for working with old Windows:
    chrome_share=\\\sharename, vers 1.0

  • Parameter chrome_camera
    Load Web-camera drivers:

  • VLC parameters

  • Parameter vlc_cmdline
    VLC command line. The easiest way to start video playback from active stream:
    vlc_cmdline=-I dummy rtsp://
    For more details about VLC usage see manual.

  • Parameter vlc_files
    During boot terminal may download one or several files from VLC directory on TFTP or HTTP server and save them to /vlc_files directory on disk or to terminal RAM. It may be background images, videofiles or vlm configuration script:
    For more details about VLC usage see manual.

  • Parameter vlc_restart
    When VLC works for 24х7 it may work slowly. This parameter specifies number of hours till next automatic VLC restart.
    By default VLC will restart each 12 hours, value =off turns off autmatic restart.

  • Parameter vlc_timeout
    Timeout determines for how long VLC player will work in background when user switches to another virtual screen. Default timeout value is 0, possible values from 0 to 300. This line tells terminal not to turn off VLC working in background:

  • Using terminal periphery

  • Parameter disk
    You can access terminal USB-disks and CDROM. To enable device redirection set corresponding parameter disk or shared_disk value. The difference between using these parameters is in disk redirection way.
    While using disk parameter RDP protocol is used for redirection. We recommend to use this value. In current terminal session disk is available at: \\tsclient\{cdrom|usbN}. Sometimes (not always, reasons not revealed) disk automatically appears in "My computer".
    If you've set proper parameter in configuration file, but can't see any disk icon - please, make sure that terminal server settings allow client disk redirection. Try to access Windows-computer disks using standart Microsoft terminal services client (Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Remote desktop connection).
    One of terminal server settings: in group policy (Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc) goto Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Device and Resource Redirection and specify policy "Do not allow drive redirection" to "Disabled".
    While using terminal floppies and CD-s user should connect and disconnect disks manually. After inserting CD user should place mouse to bottom right screen corner. Then window with buttons appears. Press "connect" button to make terminal read disk contents. It's necessary to press "disconnect" BEFORE disk ejecting, otherwise disk data can be damaged. As our practice shows this is the only safe way of working with terminal disks.
    USB flash-disks connect automatically without pressing any buttons. Before ejecting USB flash wait till light stops blinking and eject disk in several minutes.
    By default all disk redirections are disabled. Don't allow users to access terminal disks without extreme necessity. It threatens your computer infrastructure security. Having the opportunity to read\write information to disks, user can bring virus or steal important information.
    To access terminal CDROM specify:
    disk = cdrom
    To access terminal USB_flash disks specify:
    disk = usb
    USB-disks can be protected from writing, just specify:
    disk = usb(r/o)
    For example this line:
    disk = cdrom;usb(r/o)
    means that user can access terminal CD-ROM and USB-disks, and USB-disks will be redirected read-only.

  • Parameter shared_disk
    You can access terminal USB-disks and CDROM. To enable device redirection set corresponding parameter disk or shared_disk value. The difference between using these parameters is in disk redirection way.
    While using shared_disk parameter terminal is told to run "Microsoft networks" support service. It means, that any user is able to access disk from any computer in network. Disk is available at: \terminal_IP_address\{cdrom|usbN}.By default all disk redirections are disabled. Don't allow users to access terminal disks without extreme necessity. Firstly, it threatens your computer infrastructure security. Having the opportunity to read\write information to disks, user can bring virus or steal important information. Secondly, redirection uses terminal resources, most of all memory, that could be used for cache.
    To access terminal CDROM specify:
    shared_disk = cdrom
    To access terminal USB_flash disks specify:
    shared_disk = usb
    USB-disks can be protected from writing, just specify:
    shared_disk = usb(r/o)
    For example this line:
    shared_disk = cdrom;usb(r/o)
    means that user can access terminal CD-ROM and USB-disks, and USB-disks will be redirected read-only.

  • Parameter printer

    There are four ways of using printer that is connected to terminal. They are managed by printer=, rdp_printer=, vhusb= and usb= parameters. Select the most suitable for you and use it. For more details read article about printers.

    If printer parameter is specified correctly, printer can be attached to terminal, and all computers in the network, including terminal server, can use it.

    Possible parameter values:

    printer = lpt1
    one-way data communication with printer (only from server to printer), lpt parallel port driver configured to work with 378 port, irq 7.
    printer = usb
    one-way data communication with printer, USB printer.

    printer = usb(1234:abcd), usb(5678:cdef)
    binds printer USB ID to port number. The first printer will be available on 9100 port, the second printer - 9101 port. USB ID tells terminal, which of physical printers it should determine as the first and which as the second.

    printer = usb(delay 300)
    specifies delay. It is used only for USB-LPT adapters.

    printer = com1
    one-way data communication with connected to com1 port printer, 9600 bps speed, 8 bit capacity, no parity check, one stop-bit (9600-8-N-1, common com-port hardware configuration). Expanded parameter syntax:
    printer = com1(38400)
    specifies 38400 bps speed.

    Terminal with attached printer should have fixed IP address. For more details about how to make Microsoft DHCP to give fixed terminals addresses see this article. About printer drivers installation on the server read at this article.

    How to print from DOS on terminal read here

    WTware terminal emulates HP JetDirect hardware print-server (hardware print-server is a small box, that connects computer network and printer). With WTware terminal:

    • work all printers able to work with hardware print-server HP JetDirect (as well as with any other print-server, all hardware print-servers are HP JetDirect copies),
    • work all printers which drivers are included into Window distributive,
    • work all printers able to print from DOS without additional drivers,
    • don't work so called Win-printers. Some of win-printers: HP 700c, 820c, 1000c, 3300c, 3400c, DJ 820cxi, LJ 3100; Canon LBP-250/810/1110/1120/1210/2410; Epson LP1300,EPL 5800/2050+/6200L, C900; Lexmark X5150;Dell A920/940/960, J740; Minolta 1350W/1250W/2300W.

    Up to 4 printers can work on the terminal. Blocks containing each printer data are separated by semicolons. 2nd printer uses port 9101, 3rd printer uses port 9102 and 4th printer uses port 9103. If you connect more than one printers of the same type (lpt1 and lpt2, or usb and usb), then check experimentally physical naming order by printing test pages.

    printer  = lpt1;lpt2;usb;com1(38400)

    To turn on printer debug information logging specify in configuration file:

    printer = usb, debug

    Send full terminal log to support@wtware.com. In this mode a lot of debug messages will be saved into terminal log. Turn on only when needed.

  • Parameter rdp_printer

    There are four ways of using printer that is connected to terminal. They are managed by printer, rdp_printer, vhusb= and usb= parameters. Select the most suitable for you and use it. For more details read article about printers.

    rdp_printer parameter redirects connected to terminal printer using RDP. The same as mstsc.exe does. Parameter value is correct printer name without any other symbols. In this article is described where to find this name. For example:
    rdp_printer=HP LaserJet 1020
    Terminal name length (specified by clienthostname= or DHCP 012 option) must be no more that 14 symbols. If you don't see redirected printer in printers folder, try to specify in terminal configuration file:
    You can specify which printer to use. Connect to working terminal by http to determine printer USB ID. For example:
    rdp_printer=HP LaserJet 1020:usb 03f0:2b17
    If you have many similar printers, write their USB ID and names to the file "Everyone\printers-local.wtc". Then specify in configuration file:
    Supported printers connected via RS232 to COM-port:
    rdp_printer=TSC TDP-225:com1
    You can print to network printer. That is especially important for remote offices without VPN:
    rdp_printer=HP LaserJet 400 MFP M425dn:tcp
    In addition you may specify name, that user will se:
    rdp_printer=HP LaserJet 400 MFP M425dn [Printer at reception]:tcp
    You can redirect several (not more than four) printers. For each printer specify how it connected to terminal. In one line:
    rdp_printer=HP LaserJet 1020:usb 03f0:2b17, HP LaserJet 1022:usb 03f0:2c17, TSC TDP-225:com1, HP LaserJet 400 MFP M425dn:tcp

  • Parameter vhusb
    USB devices redirection using VirtualHere. For more details read forum.

  • Parameter vhusb_license

    VirtualHere License:


  • Parameter vhclient
    Terminal may accept redirected USB token from VirtualHere server and use it in RDP session. For more details read forum.

  • Parameter usb
    USB redirection for Windows Server. Not all devices work. For more details see forum.

    To turn on debug information logging specify in configuration file:

    usb=0403:6001, debug

    Send full terminal log to support@wtware.com. In this mode a lot of debug messages will be saved into terminal log. Turn on only when needed.

  • Parameter usbip

    USB redirection for Linux. Terminal makes usbip bindfor specified device. usbip attach on terminal server side you should make manually. You may specify USB ID device identificator:


    Or bus id, USB port address, then will be redirected any device, connected to this port:


    USB ID and bus id you may find in USB section of terminal web-interface.

    Turn on debug mode in configuration file:

    usb=0403:6001, 0403:6002, debug

    Then full terminal log send to support@wtware.com.In this mode terminal will send to log many messages, turn on only when needed.

  • Parameter sound
    It's possible to redirect sound from server to terminal sound card. In order to redirect sound to terminal specify in configuration file:
    sound = on
    You can specify sound device:
    sound = on, hw:1:0

    Specify sound=on and reboot terminal. On terminal web-interface you'll see the list of all sound devices, that terminal has drivers for, and buttons for testing sound.

    Next line leaves sound on server, i.e. sound will be played by server sound card:
    sound = remote
    By default redirected one channel of compressed ADPCM sound.To turn on second channel and play stereo sound specify:
    sound = on, stereo
    To turn off compression and redirect two channels of uncompressed sound (then traffic will be about 170 KB/s) specify:
    sound = on, raw
    Manual about sound configuration: wtware.com/docs5/sound.html

  • Parameter sound_level

    Terminal sound level:

    sound_level = 50

    Possible values - from 0 (sound muted) to 100 (maximum level). You may show volume control in popup window:

    sound_level = 75, infobox

  • Parameter microphone

    Microphone redirection. Supported only by Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows Server 2008r2 and newer:

    microphone = on

    USB microphone (only microphone without headphones):

    microphone = on, hw:1:0

  • Parameter microphone_level

    Terminal microphone sound level:

    microphone_level = 50

    Possible values - from 0 (microphone muted) to 100 (maximum level). You may show volume control in popup window:

    microphone_level = 100, infobox

  • Parameter camera
    Web-camera RDP redirection works on Windows Server 2019 and newer. Turn on:
    camera = on
    By default h264 and Motion JPEG compressed formats are redirected. Uncompressed formats are not redirected, because your network won't stand too much traffic. If your camera is able to compress or you are sure you need uncompressed format:
    camera = on, raw
    On terminal web-interface there's list of all formats supported by your camera.

  • Parameter serial
    In order to redirect serial port COM1 to terminal specify in configuration file:
    serial = com1
    To redirect COM2 and COM2:
    serial = com1;com2
    USB bar code scanners, check printers and other devices with COM and USB interfaces also should be connected using serial= parameter. Then on the terminal server such device is available as COM-port device. Such devices have USB to Serial converter, and terminal makes reconversion. Like Windows-driver terminal creates virtual COM-port. To redirect such device with USB interface specify in configuration file:
    serial = com1(usb)

    If you need to redirect two or more devices with USB to Serial converter, you should specify USB ID (unique USB device model ID, it's common for similar USB to Serial adapters) or bus ID (physical USB connector address on computer) for each of these devices. Terminal needs to determine corresponding port for each device. Connect all needed devices to terminal. Boot terminal. On another windows-computer in network open web-browser and enter terminal IP in address line. In "USB Bus" section you'll see list of all devices, USB ID (marked green) and bus ID (marked orange) of each device. Syntax of serial= parameter in such case is:

    serial = com2(usb 0403:6001), com3(usb 0c2e:0720), com6(usb 11ca:0207)

    Or for bus ID (Do not mix! Specify either USB IDs of all devices or bus IDs of all devices):

    serial = com1(usb 2-1.1), com3(usb 1-1)

    Some USB devices represent two COM ports. It is configured so:

    serial = com1(usb), com2(usb second)

    Some advanced programs require COM-ports' names for different terminals to be unique. To work with these programs specify in configuration file:

    serial = com25(com1),eklmn10(com2),com45(usb)

    This line redirects com1 port from terminal, it will be named com25 on server. com2 terminal port on server will be named eklmn10 (yes, it's possible). Connected to USB device with com-usb interface (barcode scanner, receipt printer, scales etc.) on server will be named com45.

    Not to cause confusion with physical server ports we recommend to rename physical ports. It's not obligatory, but otherwise there will be two COM1 ports in terminal session. If applications have to deal with these two variants, it can cause errors. To configure ports: rightclick on "My Computer" > Manage > Device manager > Ports (COM & LPT) > Communications port (COM1) > Properties > Port settings > Advanced > COM-port number. For example, set COM11. Just the same rename COM2 to COM12. Reboot server.

    Redirected by RDP COM ports are not displayed in Device Manager! To make sure, that everything is right: connect to terminal server, start command line prompt and execute change port command. Correct result is (redirected COM1 port):

    COM1 = \Device\RdpDrPort\;COM1:1\\tsclient\COM1
    COM11 = \Device\Serial0
    COM12 = \Device\Serial1
    It means, that there are three serial ports available in session. COM11 and COM12 ports are physical server ports. COM1 is physical terminal COM1 port. In this session any application, that works with COM1 device, in fact works with terminal COM1 port.

    To turn on debug information logging specify in configuration file:

    serial = com1, debug

    Send full terminal log to support@wtware.com. In this mode a lot of debug messages

    In this mode a lot of debug messages will be saved into terminal log. Turn on only when needed.

  • Parameter ser2net
    COM-ports can be redirected through ser2net utility. TCP/IP ports start from 2001. For Windows client side you can use Tibbo or com0com. Examples:
    ser2net = com1 115200
    ser2net = usb 9600
    ser2net = usb 0c2e:0720 9600 NONE 1STOPBIT 8DATABITS XONXOFF LOCAL -RTSCTS

    ser2net = com1 115200, usb 0c2e:0722 57600
    ser2net = usb 1-1 57600, usb 1-2 57600ser2net = usb serial:00247857 57600, usb serial:"S/N G19I76903" 57600

    USB ID, BUS ID and serial number of the USB device (if there is one, not every USB device manufacturer identifies devices by serial number) can be found on terminal web interface.

    Use only one way of access to port. If you specify both serial=com1 and ser2net=com1, none of them will work.

  • Parameter scanner
    USB-scanners are redirected with the help of SANE project. All devices from this list are supported. You should setup and configure on terminal server SaneTwain. To redirect scanner specify in configuration file:
    scanner = on

    To turn on debug information logging specify in configuration file:

    scanner = on, debug

    Send full terminal log to support@wtware.com. In this mode a lot of debug messages

    In this mode a lot of debug messages will be saved into terminal log. Turn on only when needed.

  • Parameter smartcard

    To redirect smartcards to terminal in configuration file specify:

    smartcard = etoken

    Terminal can understand 2 or three (not more than three) card types:

    smartcard = etoken, rutoken, omnikey

    Next devices are supported:

    • auto - Autodetect connected reader
    • etoken - eToken 72K Java (0529:0620)
    • jacarta - JaCarta, JaCarta LT (24dc:0101, 24dc:0102)
    • jacarta_0402 - JaCarta LT new (24dc:0402)
    • rutoken - Rutoken S, ECP, lite, iBank2 A (0a89:0020, 0a89:0060, 0a89:0030, 0a89:0025)
    • rutoken_scr - Rutoken SCR 3001 (0a89:0069)
    • acr122 - ACR122 (072f:2200)
    • acs - ASC CCID USB (072f:90cc)
    • acr128u - ACR1281U (072f:2224)
    • acr3901u - ACR3901U (072f:b000)
    • acr39u - ACR39U, some devices are not supported (072f:b100)
    • acr38u - ACR38U (072f:9000)
    • ezzccid - EZCCID, EZ100PU (0ca6:00a0)
    • gempctwin - Gemplus (08e6:3437)
    • gempckey - Gemplus (08e6:3438)
    • ibank2_blue - iBank2Key blue token (23a0:0002, 23a0:0004)
    • omni1021 - OMNIKEY CardMan 1021 (076b:1021)
    • omnikey - OMNIKEY (076b:5321)
    • omni3021 - OMNIKEY (076b:3021, 076b:3022)
    • omni3x21 - OMNIKEY (076b:3031)
    • asedrive - ASEDrive (0dc3:1004)
    • multisoft - MultiSoft SCR2 (2a0c:0001)
    • trustscreen - BIFIT Trustscreen (23a0:0005)
    • watchdata - Watchdata (163c:0407, 163c:0417)
    • cryptomate64 - ACS CryptoMate64 (072f:90db)
    • esmart - ESMART Token (2ce4:7479)
    • safetouch - SafeTouch (24a2:0102)
    • identive_5710 - Identive CLOUD 2700 F (04e6:5710)
    • identive_5810 - Identive CLOUD 2700 R (04e6:5810)
    • angara - BIFIT ANGARA (23a0:0008)
    • starsign - G&D StarSign (1059:0017, 1059:0019)
    • vdtoken - vdToken (2bb1:0f10)
    • avtor - Avtor (15cf:0019)
    • ezio - Gemalto Ezio Shield (08e6:34c0, 08e6:34c1)
    • dell - Dell Keyboard (413c:2101)
    • kobil - Kobil Smart Token (0d46:3014)
    • minilector - Bit4id miniLector EVO (25dd:3111)
    • DigitalDNA - Bit4id Digital-DNA (25dd:2351)
    • avbign - AVEST AvBign (28a1:0601)
    • scr3311 - SCM SCR3311 (04e6:5116, 04e6:511d)
    • au9540 - Alcor AU9540 (058f:9540)
    • ePass2003 - Feitian ePass2003 (096e:0807)
    • ePass2003Auto - Feitian ePass2003Auto (096e:080a)
    • scr301 - Feitian SCR301 (096e:0503)
    • acr1252 - ACR1252 (072f:223b)
    • almaz1c - IIT Almaz-1C (03eb:9324)
    • JCR721 - Aladdin JCR721 reader (24dc:0428)
    • yubikey_ofc - YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID (1050:0407)
    • tokenMe_CC_v2 - Bit4id tokenMe CC v2 (25dd:1101)
    • iToken - BIFIT iToken (23a0:0003)

    Terminal may autodetect smartcard reader, if it's from the list of supported readers and is connected before terminal turned on:

    smartcard = auto

    Only one smartcard can be redirected, two cards at once can't be redirected.

    To turn on debug information logging specify in configuration file:

    smartcard = etoken, debug

    Send full terminal log to support@wtware.com. In this mode a lot of debug messages will be saved into terminal log. Turn on only when needed.

  • Others

  • Parameter clienthostname
    Terminal name, that is shown in "Terminal Services Manager" and is used for licensing access to Microsoft terminal services, is determined by clienthostname parameter:
    clienthostname = terminal1
    Terminal can generate name using template:
    clienthostname = ca*MAC
    This value tells terminal with MAC-address 01:02:03:ab:cd to generate the name ca010203ABCD. Also it may use one, two or three numbers from IP-address:
    clienthostname = wt*IP1
    Terminal with IP-address will have the name wt-123. And this value:
    clienthostname = wt*IP3
    will name the terminal with the same IP-address as wt-168-1-123.

    Name length must be not more than 15 symbols!

    It's better to use different names for different terminals. Also terminal name can be received from DHCP-server (in this case it can be used as a name for configuration file, for more details see this article). But clienthostname parameter value underlies received from DHCP-server name. clienthostname default value is wtwXXXXXXXXXXXX, where XXXXXXXXXXXX - terminal MAC-address.

  • Parameter rdweb_password
    1. Настроить смену пароля через RDWEB: инструкция.
    2. Указать в конфигурационном файле терминала адрес сервера RDWEB:
    rdweb_password =
    Если RDP сервер потребует сменить пароль (истек срок действия пароля или первый логин), терминал с такой настройкой предложит интерфейс смены пароля.
    Можно указать язык сообщений, если соответсвующий языковой пакет установлен на сервере RDWEB:
    server=password:, pt-BR

  • Parameter turnoffmenu
    After disconnecting from terminal server terminal automatically connects to server again. Sometimes users don't understand: when are they to shut down computer if there's always Windows on the screen? When you set parameter value to:
    turnoffmenu = on
    then if parameters server and user create start menu, terminal adds new menu item "Turn off computer". Otherwise after disconnect on the screen appears screen saver with the text "Turn off computer or press Enter to continue."

    If parameter value is always:
    turnoffmenu = always
    then after disconnect terminal shows screen saver with the text "Turn off computer or press Enter to continue." AND adds item "Turn off computer" to server and user selection menus, if they are created by server and user parameters.

    Press Esc, Sleep, Power when you see screen saver "Turn off computer..." to turn off terminal.

    To change text message specify:
    turnoffmenu = on,msg:Turn it off NOW!
    To make terminal turn off automatically after log off specify:
    turnoffmenu = poweroff

  • Parameter autoshutdown
    This parameter is used to make terminal shut down when it is not connected to server during specified time. Timeout is specified in minutes:
    autoshutdown = 5

  • Parameter sleep
    This parameter is used to put the monitor to sleep when it is not used during specified time. Energy saving mode can be Poweroff, Stand-by, Suspend. Wikipedia knows the difference between these modes. Timeout is specified in minutes. Default mode is Poweroff.
    sleep = 10
    sleep = 20,standby

    By default Raspberry Pi doesn't turn off display. To turn off display backlight add this line in config.txt file on boot SD card:


  • Parameter infobox
    When moving mouse to right-bottom screen corner - WTware window appears. It contains technical information: WTware version, terminal server IP, terminal MAC-address. Also when disk=cdrom parameter are specified in configuration file connect or disconnect button for disk are placed in this window. When this window makes you nervous, terminal can show it only if you press one of the control buttons and move mouse to right-bottom corner. Specify one these lines:
    infobox = lctrl
    infobox = rctrl
    infobox = lalt
    infobox = ralt
    infobox = lshift
    infobox = rshift
    infobox = never
    lctrl means "left Ctrl button", rshift means "right Shift button".

    You may remove WTware logo and version number from this window. Specify skin parameter and create popup.png with your company logo.

    WTware may show connection name. Specify name in connection displayName parameter.

    You may turn off showing terminal MAC address in this window:
    infobox = nomac
    Or do not show MAC, IP and terminal hostname just not to scare users:
    infobox = noinfo
    By combining both of these flags, this window appears only when right Alt button is pressed and no addresses are shown:
    infobox = ralt,noinfo
    If you need terminal power off button in popup window specify:
    infobox = shutdown
    If you need reboot terminal button in popup window specify:
    infobox = reboot

  • Parameter screenswitch
    You may switch between virtual screens using buttons in popup windows or using keyboard. By default Win-1..Win-4 key sequences are used.To set another key sequence specify in configuration file:
    screenswitch = Win-Ctrl-N

    screenswitch = Win-Alt-N

    Or you may disable switching from keyboard:
    screenswitch = none

  • Parameter onerror
    If terminal session fails with error, terminal shows error info window and waits until user presses the button "OK". You may tell terminal to wait no longer than the specified number of seconds (possible values from 5 to 300), after that automatically remove error window and continue to work:
    onerror = 60
    Or event not to scare user with error messages (errors will be stored only in terminal log):
    onerror = quiet

  • Parameter redraw_delay
    redraw_delay parameter determines maximal screen refresh interval. It is specified in milliseconds. Possible values - from 50 to 3000, default value is 300.
    redraw_delay = 50
    When server sends data to screen too fast and terminal can't cope with such data amount - terminal stops screen refreshing and draws image only to frame buffer, in RAM. To see this effect run some console application, for example, execute command 'type longtextfile' from command prompt. For there's no output to slow video memory terminal can calculate each frame faster and thus cope with redraw amount faster. But people don't like when image freezes and screen stops refreshing. Small parameter values make image more alive. High values cause refresh delays but help to increase the speed of large data amounts redraw.

  • Parameter connect_timeout
    connect_timeout parameter specifies the period in seconds, during which terminal attempts to connect to server:
    connect_timeout = 5..60
    This line means that terminal will be trying to connect to server for at least 5 seconds and no more than 60 seconds.

  • Parameter keepalive

    TCP keepalive timer configuration, it determines when to drop connection if network link broke:

    keepalive = 10,3,5

    Better not to change this parameter. Numebers - TCP_KEEPIDLE, TCP_KEEPINTVL, TCP_KEEPCNT - are described in TCP/IP documentation. By default =on, is the same as =10,3,5. With these settings terminal will show that link is broken in 10 + 3 * 5 = 25 seconds. To turn off this timer specify:

    keepalive = off

  • Parameter firmware

    Firmware for drivers.

  • Parameter extra

    Load and launch external files.

  • Parameter CLID
    Concurrent licenses identificator. To determine it go to WTware license generator. For more details see this manual.

  • Parameter language
    Parameter language sets the language for login and password input in WTware interface. Also this parameter sets the language for Google Chrome and VNC client. English is default language, any other language or keyboard layout (QWERTZ, AZERTY etc.) should be added by such line:
    language = de, default

  • Parameter keyswitch
    Parameter keyswitch sets key sequence to change keyboard layout. This parameter is used for domain, login, password input in WTware interface and only when language parameter specified. Also it works for Google Chrome. Default key sequence is Ctrl-Shift. To change it specify:
    keyswitch = alt-shift

  • Parameter clipboard
    You can use clipboard to transfer data between several simultaneously working sessions. Specify on configuration file:
    clipboard = on
    If common clipboard is needed not in all sessions specify clipboard parameter only in needed connections of needed.
    For example, no need to specify clipboard parameter if there's only one screen on terminal.

  • Parameter ask_password
    Session Broker in Windows Server doesn't pass password to terminal when tells it to connect to another server. Therefore user has to enter password or PIN second time. In order to avoid password reentering specify in configuration file:
    ask_password = on
    Then user will input password in WTware dialog and this password will be automatically used in Session Broker session redirection.

    You may tell terminal not to ask for smartcard PIN, if smartcard is not used for login:
    ask_password = nopin
    To change captions in login and password fields specify:
    ask_password = username:Nom d'utilisateur, password:Mot de passe

  • Parameter animation_speed

    Animation speed during switching screens:

    animation_speed = 3
  • 0 - no animation, 1 - slow, 9 - fast.

  • Parameter timezone
    By default in all Windows servers timezone redirection is turned off. It means that all users work in server timezone and timezone parameter won't change anything.
    To connect terminal from another timezone set to "Enabled" policy "Allow time zone redirection" in Administrative Templates - Windows components - Remote Desktop Services - Remote Desktop Session Host - Devices and Resources Redirection. Then on all terminals should be specified timezone.
    To specify terminal timezone use parameter:

    timezone = hawaii

    In this line hawaii - it's several first letters from Hawaiian Standard Time, name of timezone (GMT-10:00) Hawaii. Full list of timezones and names:

    TimezoneIn configuration file
    (UTC-12:00) International Date Line Westtimezone = Dateline Standard Time
    (UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11timezone = UTC-11
    (UTC-10:00) Aleutian Islandstimezone = Aleutian Standard Time
    (UTC-10:00) Hawaiitimezone = Hawaiian Standard Time
    (UTC-09:30) Marquesas Islandstimezone = Marquesas Standard Time
    (UTC-09:00) Alaskatimezone = Alaskan Standard Time
    (UTC-09:00) Coordinated Universal Time-09timezone = UTC-09
    (UTC-08:00) Baja Californiatimezone = Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
    (UTC-08:00) Coordinated Universal Time-08timezone = UTC-08
    (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)timezone = Pacific Standard Time
    (UTC-07:00) Arizonatimezone = US Mountain Standard Time
    (UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlantimezone = Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)
    (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)timezone = Mountain Standard Time
    (UTC-06:00) Central Americatimezone = Central America Standard Time
    (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)timezone = Central Standard Time
    (UTC-06:00) Easter Islandtimezone = Easter Island Standard Time
    (UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterreytimezone = Central Standard Time (Mexico)
    (UTC-06:00) Saskatchewantimezone = Canada Central Standard Time
    (UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Brancotimezone = SA Pacific Standard Time
    (UTC-05:00) Chetumaltimezone = Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)
    (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)timezone = Eastern Standard Time
    (UTC-05:00) Haititimezone = Haiti Standard Time
    (UTC-05:00) Havanatimezone = Cuba Standard Time
    (UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)timezone = US Eastern Standard Time
    (UTC-04:00) Asunciontimezone = Paraguay Standard Time
    (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)timezone = Atlantic Standard Time
    (UTC-04:00) Caracastimezone = Venezuela Standard Time
    (UTC-04:00) Cuiabatimezone = Central Brazilian Standard Time
    (UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juantimezone = SA Western Standard Time
    (UTC-04:00) Santiagotimezone = Pacific SA Standard Time
    (UTC-04:00) Turks and Caicostimezone = Turks And Caicos Standard Time
    (UTC-03:30) Newfoundlandtimezone = Newfoundland Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Araguainatimezone = Tocantins Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Brasiliatimezone = E. South America Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortalezatimezone = SA Eastern Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) City of Buenos Airestimezone = Argentina Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Greenlandtimezone = Greenland Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Montevideotimezone = Montevideo Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Punta Arenastimezone = Magallanes Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Saint Pierre and Miquelontimezone = Saint Pierre Standard Time
    (UTC-03:00) Salvadortimezone = Bahia Standard Time
    (UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-02timezone = UTC-02
    (UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic - Oldtimezone = Mid-Atlantic Standard Time
    (UTC-01:00) Azorestimezone = Azores Standard Time
    (UTC-01:00) Cabo Verde Is.timezone = Cape Verde Standard Time
    (UTC) Coordinated Universal Timetimezone = UTC
    (UTC+00:00) Casablancatimezone = Morocco Standard Time
    (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, Londontimezone = GMT Standard Time
    (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjaviktimezone = Greenwich Standard Time
    (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Viennatimezone = W. Europe Standard Time
    (UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Praguetimezone = Central Europe Standard Time
    (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paristimezone = Romance Standard Time
    (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagrebtimezone = Central European Standard Time
    (UTC+01:00) West Central Africatimezone = W. Central Africa Standard Time
    (UTC+01:00) Windhoektimezone = Namibia Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Ammantimezone = Jordan Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharesttimezone = GTB Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Beiruttimezone = Middle East Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Cairotimezone = Egypt Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Chisinautimezone = E. Europe Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Damascustimezone = Syria Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Gaza, Hebrontimezone = West Bank Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoriatimezone = South Africa Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilniustimezone = FLE Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Jerusalemtimezone = Israel Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Kaliningradtimezone = Kaliningrad Standard Time
    (UTC+02:00) Tripolitimezone = Libya Standard Time
    (UTC+03:00) Baghdadtimezone = Arabic Standard Time
    (UTC+03:00) Istanbultimezone = Turkey Standard Time
    (UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadhtimezone = Arab Standard Time
    (UTC+03:00) Minsktimezone = Belarus Standard Time
    (UTC+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgogradtimezone = Russian Standard Time
    (UTC+03:00) Nairobitimezone = E. Africa Standard Time
    (UTC+03:30) Tehrantimezone = Iran Standard Time
    (UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscattimezone = Arabian Standard Time
    (UTC+04:00) Astrakhan, Ulyanovsktimezone = Astrakhan Standard Time
    (UTC+04:00) Bakutimezone = Azerbaijan Standard Time
    (UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samaratimezone = Russia Time Zone 3
    (UTC+04:00) Port Louistimezone = Mauritius Standard Time
    (UTC+04:00) Saratovtimezone = Saratov Standard Time
    (UTC+04:00) Tbilisitimezone = Georgian Standard Time
    (UTC+04:00) Yerevantimezone = Caucasus Standard Time
    (UTC+04:30) Kabultimezone = Afghanistan Standard Time
    (UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkenttimezone = West Asia Standard Time
    (UTC+05:00) Ekaterinburgtimezone = Ekaterinburg Standard Time
    (UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachitimezone = Pakistan Standard Time
    (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhitimezone = India Standard Time
    (UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepuratimezone = Sri Lanka Standard Time
    (UTC+05:45) Kathmandutimezone = Nepal Standard Time
    (UTC+06:00) Astanatimezone = Central Asia Standard Time
    (UTC+06:00) Dhakatimezone = Bangladesh Standard Time
    (UTC+06:00) Omsktimezone = Omsk Standard Time
    (UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)timezone = Myanmar Standard Time
    (UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakartatimezone = SE Asia Standard Time
    (UTC+07:00) Barnaul, Gorno-Altaysktimezone = Altai Standard Time
    (UTC+07:00) Hovdtimezone = W. Mongolia Standard Time
    (UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsktimezone = North Asia Standard Time
    (UTC+07:00) Novosibirsktimezone = N. Central Asia Standard Time
    (UTC+07:00) Tomsktimezone = Tomsk Standard Time
    (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqitimezone = China Standard Time
    (UTC+08:00) Irkutsktimezone = North Asia East Standard Time
    (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singaporetimezone = Singapore Standard Time
    (UTC+08:00) Perthtimezone = W. Australia Standard Time
    (UTC+08:00) Taipeitimezone = Taipei Standard Time
    (UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatartimezone = Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
    (UTC+08:30) Pyongyangtimezone = North Korea Standard Time
    (UTC+08:45) Euclatimezone = Aus Central W. Standard Time
    (UTC+09:00) Chitatimezone = Transbaikal Standard Time
    (UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyotimezone = Tokyo Standard Time
    (UTC+09:00) Seoultimezone = Korea Standard Time
    (UTC+09:00) Yakutsktimezone = Yakutsk Standard Time
    (UTC+09:30) Adelaidetimezone = Cen. Australia Standard Time
    (UTC+09:30) Darwintimezone = AUS Central Standard Time
    (UTC+10:00) Brisbanetimezone = E. Australia Standard Time
    (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydneytimezone = AUS Eastern Standard Time
    (UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresbytimezone = West Pacific Standard Time
    (UTC+10:00) Hobarttimezone = Tasmania Standard Time
    (UTC+10:00) Vladivostoktimezone = Vladivostok Standard Time
    (UTC+10:30) Lord Howe Islandtimezone = Lord Howe Standard Time
    (UTC+11:00) Bougainville Islandtimezone = Bougainville Standard Time
    (UTC+11:00) Chokurdakhtimezone = Russia Time Zone 10
    (UTC+11:00) Magadantimezone = Magadan Standard Time
    (UTC+11:00) Norfolk Islandtimezone = Norfolk Standard Time
    (UTC+11:00) Sakhalintimezone = Sakhalin Standard Time
    (UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledoniatimezone = Central Pacific Standard Time
    (UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskytimezone = Russia Time Zone 11
    (UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellingtontimezone = New Zealand Standard Time
    (UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+12timezone = UTC+12
    (UTC+12:00) Fijitimezone = Fiji Standard Time
    (UTC+12:00) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Oldtimezone = Kamchatka Standard Time
    (UTC+12:45) Chatham Islandstimezone = Chatham Islands Standard Time
    (UTC+13:00) Coordinated Universal Time+13timezone = UTC+13
    (UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofatimezone = Tonga Standard Time
    (UTC+13:00) Samoatimezone = Samoa Standard Time

    For local, running on terminal Google Chrome you may set local timezone. Correct POSIX timezone naming you may find in wikipedia, see TZ column in this table. In configuration file specify:
    timezone = local:America/Sao_Paulo
    Time in computer BIOS should be set as UTC, not local time!
    If you need timezones both for Windows session and for local Google Chrome specify:
    timezone = hawaii, local:Pacific/Honolulu

  • Parameter ntp
    Terminal mey request correct time from NTP server. Default value is =dhcp. Means, that terminal requests time only if NTP server address is specified in 042 DHCP parameter. Also NTP server may be specified manually:
    ntp = pool.ntp.org
    To disable NTP even if there's 042 DHCP parameter, specify in configuration file:
    ntp = disable

  • Parameter skin
    You may show images with your company logo on terminal screen and remove single "wtware" mention from popup window in right bottom corner of terminal screen. There are four files:
    • menu.png - background for server selection menu, user selection menu login window.
    • wait.png - background for wait screen with "Please, wait" text.
    • saver.png - screensaver.
    • popup.png - logo for popup window in right bottom corner. If there's custom logo, WTware logo and version won't be printed. Size should be not more than 280х38 pixels.
    Sizes of wait.png, saver.png and popup.png images must not be more than terminal screen resolution. Smaller images will be centered.
    If terminal boots from local media (SD card, USB flash, hard drive, MMC, CD), then images may be copied into configs\ directory on boot disk. You may use terminal web-interface. In order to open terminal web-interface boot terminal and enter terminal IP in web-browser address line of another computer. You should not specify skin= parameter in this case, terminal will find needed files on boot disk.
    For tests you may try images installed by WTware distributive into:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\WTware\TFTPDROOT\Graphic\sample\
    If terminal receives configuration by network, specify in terminal configuration file:
    skin = sample
    At boot start terminal will load images from Graphic\sample directory in TFTP seerver root. For WTware TFTP it's C:\Program Files (x86)\WTware\TFTPDROOT\Graphic\sample. You may replace images in this directory or create new directory near sample directory and specify in sample= parameter name of your directory.

  • Parameter background
    You can specify different background colors for menus of different screens. It will make easier for users to tell technical support, on what screen they have difficulties. Each color is defined as six hexadecimal digits. For example this line:
    defines backgound on first screen menu as red, on second screen - as green, on third screen - as default color, on fourth - as blue.

  • Parameter menu_colors
    You may change text color in menu so that they would look better on your background. First color is the color of common text, second color is the color of text highlighted by mouse. Common text letters are green, under mouse cursor are red:
    On the first screen green/red, on the second screen by default, on the third screen grey/blue:

  • Parameter viterminal_licensing
    ViTerminal licensing server address. Used only for work with ViTerminal servers.

  • Parameter SIP
    Settings for connection to SIP server. Username, password and server address:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org
    For work with SIP we use linphone. For testing and tuning there's linphonec command line. It's available from terminal web-interface, i.e. http-access to terminal by IP from another computer browser.You can specify sound devices for ringing and talking:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, ring:1:0, talk:3:0
    For more details about sound devices read this manual: wtware.com/docs5/sound.html
    When terminal receives incoming call it shows popup window and blocks mouse, until user accepts or rejects the call. Terminal will show only call icon and won't block mouse when it receives call, if you specify:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, nolock
    To enable auto answering for incoming calls on terminal specify:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, auto-answer
    If SIP server port differs from default 5060 for UDP and 5061 for TLS:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, port:55555
    You may turn on TLS encryption (that SIP server supports). With turned on TLS encryption you may turn off server certificates check:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, tls
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, tls, nocert
    Turn on SRTP encryption:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, tls, srtp
    You may use your own configuration file for linphone instead of our's. do not use it if you're unsure. Last section in configuration file must be [sound]. At the end of file will be automatically added lines ringer_dev_id, playback_dev_id and capture_dev_id. Terminal searches for configuration file in Everyone directory:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, config:my_enterprise_sip.wtc
    Turn on linphone logging into log. Possible values - from 1 to 6:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, debug:2
    Contact list terminal reads from Everyone/contacts.txt file. You may add more contects for some terminals. File with additional contacts should have the same structure as contacts.txt and should also be in Everyone directory:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, contacts:morecontactsforreception.txt
    To change ring sound (WAV file should be stored in Everyone folder) specify:
    SIP = user:password@sip.linphone.org, wav:local.wav

  • Parameter SIP_usb_sound_level
    If SIP phone uses the only one connected to terminal sound card (no matter USB, PCI or onboard sound card, the main thing is that it's the only one), then volume is configured by sound_level parameter. If on terminal is also connected USB headset, then headset sound volume is configured by SIP_usb_sound_level parameter.
    SIP_usb_sound_level = 75
    Volume of all microphone is configured only by microphone_level parameter. You may show volume control in popup window:

    SIP_usb_sound_level = 75, infobox

  • Terminal console parameters

    Terminal configuration wizard helps to determine and check parameters from this group. It's easier to use wizard than to select values manually.

  • Parameter display
    Display description. Includes several parameters separated by commas. To configure video it's better to use video configuration wizard. For more details read: videocard configuration.
    You should specify real screen resolution, the same as specified in monitor documentation:
    display = 1920x1080

    Video output is required for some drivers. Possible values: VGA, DVI, HDMI, LVDS, DP, DSI, VGA2, DVI2, HDMI2, LVDS2, DP2. Some drivers ignore specified video output and determine monitor on their own. Sometimes drivers mix HDMI and DVI, when connectors are specified incorrectly in videocard BIOS. In terminal web-interface you will find the list of video outputs, determined by driver on terminal. Terminal web-interface is available even when videocard driver failed to work and there's only black image on terminal screen. Example of specifying video output:
    display = 1920x1080, hdmi

    For some displays you may correct display brightness. Specify brightness as a percentage of the maximum value:
    display = 1920x1080, 42%

    Some drivers allow to rotate display:

    display = 1920x1080,portrait
    display = 1920x1080,landscape flipped
    display = 1920x1080,portrait flipped

    On Raspberry Pi rotation should be specified in config.txt file on boot SD card in display_hdmi_rotate option.

    Rotated screen always works slower than normal, not rotated.

    Magic word noddc forbids driver to ask monitor about preferred mode. Use it when image fails to center:
    display = 1920x1080, hdmi, noddc

    You can specify display refresh rate. Almost always there's no need to specify it for LCD monitors:
    display = 1920x1080, hdmi, noddc, 75Hz

    Instead of refresh you can specify full line of timings. It can be useful in very difficult cases, for monitors connected via 15-contact VGA D-SUB:
    display = 1680х1050, "146.3 1680 1960 2136 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089"

  • Parameter M2_display
    Description of second monitor. Syntax is the same as in display parameter. Use this parameter only when second monitor is connected to terminal.

  • Parameter mouse_accel_mult
    mouse_accel_mult parameter changes mouse pointer speed. Possible values - from 0.01 to 16. To make a very low mouse speed set:
    mouse_accel_mult = 0.05
    Set touchpad sensitivity:
    mouse_accel_mult = touch:12
    Different settings for mouse and touchpad:
    mouse_accel_mult = 3, touch:12

  • Parameter doubleclick
    Only for ViTerminal client. Double-click interval in milliseconds. Possible values - from 100 to 1000.

  • Parameter touchscreen
    Touchscreen calibration. See the touchscreen configuration manual.

  • Parameter bluetooth
    Bluetooth devices. On Raspberry only. See the bluetooth configuration manual.

  • Parameter video
    video parameter determines video card driver. All possible values are listed below. We insist on using terminal configuration wizard to select video card driver.
    • video = auto          Autodetect
    • Linux kernel Framebuffer drivers, suffix (F)
      • video = VESA(F)          VESA, no widescreen modes!
      • video = efi(F)           EFI (default resolution)
      • video = amd(F)           AMD GPU
      • video = vmwgfx(F)        VMware virtual
      • video = nouveau(F)       nVidia new
      • video = i915(F)          Intel i915..newest
      • video = radeon(F)        ATI new
      • video = gma(F)           Intel GMA500/600/3600/3650
      • video = aty128fb(F)      ATI Rage128
      • video = gxfb(F)          Geode GX
      • video = gx1fb(F)         Geode GX1
      • video = i810fb(F)        Intel i810, i815
      • video = lxfb(F)          Geode LX
      • video = hyperv_fb(F)     Microsoft Hyper-V
      • video = nvidiafb(F)      nVidia
      • video = matroxfb_base(F) Matrox
      • video = radeonfb(F)      ATI Radeon
      • video = rivafb(F)        nVidia RIVA 128/TNT/TNT2
      • video = sisfb(F)         SIS/XGI
      • video = viafb(F)         VIA, S3 Unichrome
      • video = vt8623fb(F)      VIA VT8623 [CLE266]
    • The newest X.org graphic library drivers, suffix (U)
      • video = efi(U)           EFI (default resolution)
      • video = ati(U)           ATI
      • video = intel(U)         Intel
      • video = modesetting(U)   Kernel modesetting
      • video = nouveau(U)       Nvidia
      • video = openchrome(U)    Openchrome for VIA
      • video = sis(U)           SIS
      • video = vesa(U)          VESA, no widescreen modes!
    • X.org 1.5.3 graphic library drivers, suffix (X)
      • video = apm(X)           APM, Alliance Technology
      • video = ark(X)           ARK Logic
      • video = chips(X)         Chips & Technologies
      • video = cirrus(X)        Cirrus Logic
      • video = geode(X)         Geode
      • video = glint(X)         GLINT/Permedia
      • video = i810(X)          Intel i8xx/i9xx
      • video = mga(X)           Matrox
      • video = nsc(X)           NSC
      • video = rdc(X)           RDC
      • video = rdcm12(X)        RDC M2012
      • video = rendition(X)     Rendition/Micron
      • video = s3(X)            S3
      • video = s3virge(X)       S3 Virge
      • video = savage(X)        S3 Savage
      • video = sis(X)           SIS
      • video = tdfx(X)          3Dfx
      • video = trident(X)       Trident
      • video = tseng(X)         Tseng Labs
      • video = unichrome(X)     Unichrome for VIA
      • video = xgi(X)           XGI
      • video = vesa(X)          VESA Universal driver

  • Parameter bpp
    bpp parameter determines color depth for all terminal sessions.
    bpp = 16
    bpp = 32
    На Raspberry глубина цвета задается в файле config.txt на загрузочной SD.
    По умолчанию используется 32 бита. При работе с 2012R2 и новее с кодеками по умолчанию снижение до 16 бит не уменьшит сетевой трафик.

  • Parameter kbdrate
    This parameter specifies keyboard character repeat settings - repeat delay and repeat rate. This line sets common settings (30 repeats per second, 250 milliseconds repeat delay):
    kbdrate = 30,250
    And this line makes slow keyboard (2 repeats per second, 1000 milliseconds repeat delay):
    kbdrate = 2,1000
    Possible values: from 2 to 100 repeats per second, repeat delay from 100 to 1000 milliseconds.If parameter kbdrate is not specified BIOS settings are used.

  • Remote terminal management

  • Parameter managed
    You can turn off or restart terminals remotely. It can be useful, for example, when you changed configuration files and need to apply these changes immediately. Such line in configuration file allows to manage terminal from any other computer:
    managed = on
    And this line allows to manage terminal only from computers with addresses, and subnet
    managed =,,
    Terminals are managed by command line tool rsh.exe included into Windows Server distribution. To restart terminal immediately run:
    rsh.exe reboot
    If you changed configuration file and want terminal to re-read it, terminal should be restarted. You can tell terminal to restart as soon as possible, i.e. when user will exit current session:
    rsh.exe update
    To turn off terminal run:
    rsh.exe	shutdown
    Instead of rsh in Linux and other *nix you can use echo and nc:
    echo -en "0\0\0\0reboot\0" | nc 514

  • Parameter httpd
    For diagnostics and management on every terminal is working micro-web-server. If you know terminal IP, you can connect to it by browser and see settings, configuration file, log and other terminal information. By default access to it is granted to all. You can allow access only from selected IPs:
    httpd =,,
    Or turn off terminal http server:
    httpd = off
    At boot start http-server always runs available for all. If error won't allow terminal to read it's configuration, boot will fail with error. But http-server will work to help diagnose the problem remotely.

  • Parameter wtrc

    Terminal remote control. Works by WTware protocol. It can do all the that embedded VNC server can do. And additionally:

    • Shows local Chromium.
    • Shows popup window in top bottom corner.
    • Shows two terminal displays.
    • Works correctly with keyboard.
    • Connection is SSL encrypted.
    • Shows image faster.

    To start remote control on Windows run WTware configurator, right-click on needed terminal in the list.

    This line in configuration file allows to run terminal remote control from any computer:

    wtrc = on

    This line allows to run remote control only from specified IP-addresses:

    wtrc =,,

    By default user has no information about connection from remote control. With such line terminal will ask user to allow terminal remote control:

    wtrc = allow after timeout

    If in 30 seconds user won't allow connection, remote control will automatically start.

    Another line:

    wtrc = reject after timeout
    will show the same request, bu if you ignores it, remote control will be rejected.

    By default remote control password is the same as password for Setup menu, that appears at terminal boot start, or as password for HTTPS management. You may specify another password in wtrc_password option.

    Zoom (possible values 50%, 75%, by default 100%):

    wtrc = on, 75%

  • Parameter wtrc_password

    Terminal remote control is turned on by wtrc option. By default remote control password is the same as password for Setup menu, that appears at terminal boot start, or as password for HTTPS management. You may specify another password:

    wtrc_password = 12345

    We recommend to specify password in configurator, for it will encrypt password to store it on disk safely.

    You may allow remote control without password:

    wtrc_password = mode:none

    Password for view, without terminal mouse or keyboard control:

    wtrc_password = view 123

    Passwords for view (123) and control (the same as Setup password) must be different:

    vnc_password = view 123, control mode:setup

  • Parameter vnc

    You can connect to terminal by VNC protocol to view terminal screen and to help user with his problem. It became more important when Microsoft removed Remote Desktop Connection from Windows 2012 Server.

    Next configuration file line allows connection to terminal by VNC from any computer:

    vnc = on
    Next line allows connection only from computers with IP, and subnet
    vnc =,,
    Popup window in right bottom corner is not shown by VNC. Local Google Chrome is not shown by VNC.

    If terminal uses two monitors, then to view second monitor by VNC connection specify while connecting 5901 port.

    If terminal is over slow channel, specify in configuration file:

    This setting will reduce terminal screen by four times. Due to such image decrease show speed will noticeably increase.

    By default user knows nothing about VNC-connection.You may ask user for permission. With such line:

    vnc=allow after timeout
    terminal will show window with request for VNC connection. If in 30 seconds user won't react, VNC connection will be established.

    Another line:

    vnc=reject after timeout
    will show the same request, but if user won't react, in this case connection will be rejected.

  • Parameter vnc_password

    Password for connection to WTware VNC server:

    vnc_password = 12345

    Password length is from 1 to 8 symbols. Allowed latin letters and digits. Specified in configuration file password is available to everone - from TFTP configuration file or terminal log. It's more secure to store in configuration file password hash. It won't protect from serious hack, but at least it'll force to spend some time. To generate password hash use WTware graphic configurator. For example:


    Password for view, without terminal mouse or keyboard control:

    vnc_password = view 123

    Passwords for view and control must be different:

    vnc_password = view 123, control 12345

  • Parameter syslog
    Terminal can send all log events to syslog server by UDP to port 514:
    syslog =
    Or another port:
    syslog =

  • Parameter discover
    By default during boot terminals send broadcast requests, that contain WTware version, IP, MAC, hostname and IP address of the DHCP server, that has just told download addresses. If WTware configurator works in the same network, it receives broadcast messages and saves or updates terminal information.

    If WTware configurator works over the router and is unable to receive broadcast packet, you may tell terminal to send additional message to IP of the computer woth working configurator:
    discover =

  • Parameter keyboard_log
    Send every key you press on terminal to log. DO NOT USE this option unless you prepare log for WTware technical support. Default value is =off
    keyboard_log = on

  • If you have any comments or remarks to this article, please, let us know!